Monday, October 10, 2011

Princess Mirror...

This past Saturday we had a birthday party to go to. 
This lil girl is on my cheer leading team...her mom and i are the coaches. 
She is such a character and so full of life!!  When I asked her what she would like
for her birthday she said "a princess mirror...
they have them at Wal-Mart"...she thinks everything comes from Wal-Mart :)

Well I just so happen to have a cute mirror laying around my house that
was not being used and decided I would
transform it into her Princess that no other lil girl has!

The back of the mirror was not pretty at all.  I know I know "who's
going to see it anyway" but still...I had to do something with it. 

So I had this fabric left over from re-doing my older 2
daughters bedroom.  This would be the perfect backing.  So I cut
it to size leaving an inch hangover.

I covered up the mirror so I wouldn't get paint on it...or at least
try my best not to!

I ended up having to put about 3 coats of paint on the mirror.  I
wanted a heavy coating so I could scuff it up some...make it
look old...antiqued!!

After the paint was completely dry, I flipped the mirror over
and started on the fabric backing!  All I did was fold under
the inch overhang and hot glue onto the back of the
frame...making my creases sharp & crisp with the iron! 

This is one of the crowns that I made out of felt (2 in all)
that I glued directly to the mirror in opposite corners!
No Princess mirror would be complete without

On two corners of the frame, opposite each other,
I added some dark pink and light pink rosettes and a combo
light and dark purple pom!  To the back of the rosettes I added
baby pink tulle to add a lil flare!

She was THRILLED with her Princess Mirror!  It turned out adorable
I must say so girls are wanting one now :)
The pics really don't do it need of camera BAD!!!

And also this past Saturday I celebrated my 30th Birthday as well!! :)
Yeah the big 3-0!  My hubby was sooo excited to
embarrass me that he posted this outside our house...

Gotta love him...and I DO!!!  Happy Monday!

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